Samples for the enterprise Svg ui control for .NET8 (native) and MAUI

This repository holds samples and doc for the SVG control for Windows, Android, iOS and Mac. More infos

NuGet Nuget

SvgImage and SvgImageSource

.net8 Maui Controls:

  • SvgImage displays an svg
  • SvgImageSource displays an svg inside buttons, tabs and more.

.net8 Native Controls (without maui):

  • Android: SvgImageView and SvgPictureDrawable
  • iOS and Mac: UISvgImageView with support for xcode designer

Quick start for MAUI

In MauiProgram.cs, add .UseEasySvg() to the builder


Add some SVG images

  • Create a new folder "VectorImages" in your project. Do not use any existing 'Resources/Images' folder !
  • put your SVG images there. Make sure they have the .svg extension.
  • add the following lines to your .csproj file:
  <None Remove="VectorImages\**\*.svg" />
  <EmbeddedResource Include="VectorImages\**\*.svg" />

That configures those Svg images as embedded resources

In a XAML page, use SvgImage or SvgImageSource

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns=""
             IconImageSource="{svg:Svg myicon.svg,Height=60}">

    <StackLayout Orientation="Vertical" VerticalOptions="Start">

        <svg:SvgImage Source="logo.svg" HorizontalOptions="Start" HeighRequest="32" />

        <svg:SvgImage Source="logo.svg" HorizontalOptions="Start" HeighRequest="32"
                      ColorMapping="{Binding ColorMapping}" 
        <svg:SvgImage WidthRequest="100" Source="" />

        <svg:SvgImage WidthRequest="100" Source="..." />

        <Image Source="{svg:Svg Source=no_image_available.svg, Width=40, ColorMapping='000=>666'}"
               WidthRequest="40" />


  • The xmlns:svg attribute is required on the ContentPage.
  • Source is the name of an svg image. This image is searched in embedded resources across all loaded assemblies. This list is cached.
  • All properties are bindable.

You can also use <SvgImageSource Svg="...." Height="50" /> as the ImageSource for tab icons, button icons, navigation bar icons, ...
For those, the Widht and/or Height is mandatory and non bindable, as ImageSource objects are static in MAUI (limitation of MAUI).
The compact syntax ImageSource="{svg:Svg refresh.svg,Height=50}" is easier to use.

Note that SvgImageSource converts the svg image into a passive raster image displayed by another UI control like Image. The consequence is, it supports only one ColorMapping.

Color Mapping

The ColorMapping, ColorMappingSelected or ColorMappingDisabled properties are useful to change some colors in the SVG before displaying it, or depending on a state (normal, selected, disabled).

The string ffffff=>00ff00 000000=>0000FF means replace ffffff (white) by 00ff00 (green) and replace 000000 (black) by 0000FF (red).

A color mapping is a string which contains a list of mappings separated by "," or ";" or a space.
A mapping has two parts, separated by "=>" (or "="). The left part is the color that should be replaced by the color specified by the right part.
A color is a standard html color code: AARRGGBB, RRGGBB, or RGB. A is the transparency (alpha channel).

Color mappings are bindable: instead of specifying a string, use a list of ColorMapping:

<svg:SvgImage Source="logo.svg" HorizontalOptions="Start" HeighRequest="32">
    <ColorMapping OldColor="Blue" NewColor="#80000000" />
    <ColorMapping OldColor="#FFF" NewColor="{Binding YourColorProperty}" />

Maui samples

Simple svg image

<svg:SvgImage Source="logo.svg" HeightRequest="70" HorizontalOptions="Center" VerticalOptions="Center" />

Svg image on a button

<Button Text="Add Contact" ContentLayout="Right,20" ImageSource="{svg:Svg tabHome.svg,Height=60,ColorMapping='000000=>FF0000'}" />

Svg image for the icon of a TabbedPage tab

<NavigationPage Title="Home" IconImageSource="{svg:Svg tabHome.svg,Height=60}">
      <views:HomePage />

Svg image with bindable color mapping

<svg:SvgImage Source="logo.svg" HeightRequest="60">
    <!-- the ColorMapping property is the default content property: no need to embed it into a svg:SvgImage.ColorMapping tag -->
    <svg:ColorMapping OldColor="#000" NewColor="{Binding CurrentColor}" />
        <svg:ColorMapping OldColor="#000" NewColor="{Binding CurrentColor}" />

Common mistakes

If nothing appears, make sure your svg is displayed correctly by the windows explorer (after you installed this extension).

Common errors include

  • forgetting to set the build action of the svg file to "Embedded resource".
  • missing viewBox attribute at the root of the svg file (open it using a text editor).
  • the svg color is the same as the background color, especially white or black. Use ColorMapping to change colors, or edit your svg file with inkscape or your preferred text editor.

The assembly in which the svg resources are must have an assembly Name equal to its Default namespace, otherwise the svg files will not be found. If you are unable to do so, you can still display an svg but you will have to specify the full name of the resource like this:

        x:Name="SvgIcon" HorizontalOptions="Fill" VerticalOptions="Start" Margin="8,0,8,0" BackgroundColor="Yellow"

You can discover the full name of an embedded resource by opening your assembly (.dll in your bin folder) in the free tool Telerik JustDecompile.


Another common error is setting the ImageSource of a Button in a style or in a trigger. Instead you must set the Image property.

<Style x:Key="FAB" TargetType="Button">
  <!-- correct -->
  <Setter Property="Image" Value="{svg:Svg create.svg,Height=50,ColorMapping='000=>634109'}"/>
  <!-- incorrect 
  <Setter Property="ImageSource" Value="{svg:Svg create.svg,Height=50,ColorMapping='000=>634109'}"/>

Other Receipes

iOS or Android Native (not maui): set the license

Vapolia.Svgs.Config.License = "...";

Android native (not maui android): make the svg image height the same height of a Button

Click to expand ```xml

Android native (not maui android): set back button toolbar icon

var toolbar = FindViewById<Toolbar>(Resource.Id.toolbar);
toolbar.NavigationIcon = SvgFactory.GetDrawable("backward.svg", "000000=>FFFFFF");

iOS/Android: Load svg from a background thread

Click to expand See [this gist](

iOS storyboard (not maui ios): usage in an xcode storyboard

Click to expand Using Visual Studio Mac, open your storyboard file using `Open with xcode`. Add an Image view (UIImageView), set its custcom `Class` property to `UISvgImageView`, and optionally add new `User Defined Runtime Attributes` as required:

Attribute Inspector

Key Path Type Sample Value
BundleName String info.svg
ColorMapping String 000000=e01a1a
ColorMappingSelected String 000000=ff3030

To size your svg, set contraints on one dimension only. The other dimension will be set using the first dimension and the computed aspect ratio. If you set constraints on both dimensions, the svg will stretch. You can prevent this by setting Aspect to Fit (along with ContentMode to AspectFit):

Key Path Type Sample Value
Aspect String Fit

When only one dimension is constrained, the designer don't know how to set the other dimension and displays contraint errors. The solution is to set the intrinsic size to a manual value in the dimension which has no contraint (in the dimension property pane of the designer).

Intrinsic Size

  1. Select the UISvgImageView view.
  2. Show the size inspector (⌘Shift5).
  3. Change the "Intrinsic Size" drop-down from "Default (System Defined)" to "Placeholder."
  4. Enter reasonable guesses at your view's runtime width or height. Width if you set contraints on the height, height otherwise.

These constraints are removed at compile-time, meaning they will have no effect on your running app, and the layout engine will add constraints as appropriate at runtime to respect your view's intrinsicContentSize.

# Reference


Default namespace:


SvgImage control

SvgImage displays a image in up to 2 states: normal, selected

<svg:SvgImage Source="union.svg" HeightRequest="70" HorizontalOptions="Center" VerticalOptions="Center" />
Property Type Notes
Source string or SvgSource svg to display.
ColorMapping string or ObservableCollection<ColorMapping> see color mapping reference. Default to none.
ColorMappingSelected string or ObservableCollection<ColorMapping> color mapping when IsSelected="True". Default to none.
IsSelected bool used to switch color mapping
IsSelectionEnabled bool True by default: the value of IsSelected is also inherited from the parent container
Command ICommand if set, execute this command on tap
CommandParameter object parameter to send when calling Command.Execute
Width double Optional. You can also specify the width only and height will be computed from the aspect ratio
Height double Optional
Aspect SvgAspect Fit, Fill, FitCrop. Useful only if both width and height are forced. Default to Fit to maintain the aspect ratio.
IsLoadAsync bool set to False to disable async image loading, making the image appear immediatly. Default to True.
IsHighlightEnabled bool if set, ColorMappingSelected is used while the image is pressed (until the finger is released)
ViewportTransform IMatrix transform the svg using any matrix before displaying it

SvgImageSource class

SvgImageSource inherits from ImageSource, use it on any ImageSource property. For example Page.IconImageSource. It can also be transformed into a FileImageSource by calling CreateFileImageSource().

SvgImageSource can be used in Button.ImageSource, ToolbarItem.IconImageSource, ...

<svg:SvgImageSource Source="tabHome.svg" Height="50" />
Property Type Notes
Source string or SvgSource svg to display.
Width double Optional. You can also specify the width only and height will be computed from the aspect ratio.
Height double Optional.
ColorMapping string or ObservableCollection<ColorMapping> see color mapping reference. Default to none.
Aspect SvgAspect Fit, Fill, FitCrop. Useful only if both width and height are forced. Default to Fit to maintain the aspect ratio.
PreventTintOnIos bool Default to false. Prevents tinting on iOS, thus always displaying the original image.

All properties are bindable, but Xamarin Forms does not support changing them after the control using this SvgImageSource is rendered. Alternatively, you can bind the ImageSource property on the target control, and define SvgImageSource in styles. Example:

    <svg:SvgImageSource x:Key="NormalIcon" Source="icon_normal.svg" Height="80" />
    <svg:SvgImageSource x:Key="SelectedIcon" Source="icon_selected.svg" Height="80" ColorMapping="FFF=>000" />

    <Style x:Key="NormalIconStyle" TargetType="ImageButton">
      <Setter Property="Source" Value="{StaticResource NormalIcon}"/>
      <Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="Transparent"/>

    <Style x:Key="SelectedIconStyle" TargetType="ImageButton">
      <Setter Property="Source" Value="{StaticResource SelectedIcon}"/>
      <Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="Transparent"/>

And usage:

    <ImageButton Style="{Binding StyleKeyToUse}" />
     public string StyleKeyToUse {get;set;} = "NormalIconStyle"; 
     //Don't forget to call OnPropertyChanged(nameof(StyleKeyToUse)) after each change.

Android native (not maui android)

Click to expand Layout properties:
Tag Type Default value Notes
app:svg string or resource id (required) .net embedded resource file path and name, or android resource id
app:colorMapping string (null) example: FF000000=FF808080
app:colorMappingSelected string (null) example: FF000000=FFa0a0a0;FFFFFFFF=00000000
app:colorMappingDisabled string (null)
app:traceEnabled bool false
app:loadAsync bool true
app:aspect enum fit fit, fill of fit_crop (new v3.1.0). fit_crop: Scale the image uniformly (maintain the image's aspect ratio) so that both dimensions (width and height) of the image will be equal to or larger than the corresponding dimension of the view (minus padding).
android:adjustViewBounds bool true if true and aspect is not Fill, the svg view will grow or shrink depending on the svg size.
android:autoMirrored bool false true to mirror image in RTL languages

android:padding is respected, and included in the width/height measurement.
android:gravity is respected, and included in the width/height measurement. If the svg is smaller than its view, this property controls its centering.

iOS native (not maui ios)

Click to expand

UISvgImageView inherits UIImageView, so it's easy to use it in an xcode storyboard: drag an UIImageView and set its custom class to UISvgImageView. To set specific svg properties, add User Defined Runtime Attributes in the same pane where you set the custom class.

Attributes (supported in User Defined Runtime Attributes):

Key Path Type Default value Notes
BundleName string (required) Svg path. Example: res:images.logo
BundleString string (optional) exclusive with BundleName. The svg content as a string.
ColorMapping string (null) example: FF000000=FF808080
ColorMappingSelected string (null) example: FF000000=FFa0a0a0;FFFFFFFF=00000000
TraceEnabled bool false
IsLoadAsync bool true set to false to force the svg to appear immediatly, or if it disappears sometimes
AlignmentMode string TopLeft TopLeft, CenterHorizontally, CenterVertically, Center. Can be combined (in code only).
Aspect string Fit Fit, Fill, FitCrop.
FillWidth number 0 The width the svg would like to have. 0 to let the OS decides using UI constraints or Frame value.
FillHeight number 0 The height the svg would like to have. 0 to let the OS decides using UI constraints or Frame value.

UIImageView.ContentMode is forced by UISvgImageView, so it has no impact. Use Aspect instead.

Advanced configuration

The svg files that don't specify the full path of an assembly are searched in the embedded resources of all loaded assemblies automatically. If you have late loading assemblies that are not detected, or if you prefer to manually specify the assemblies, call AddResourceAssembly. Example:

public class App : Application
    public App()
        Vapolia.Svgs.Config.AddResourceAssembly(typeof(App), ...);


On Windows install the microsoft powertoys to preview the svg files in windows explorer.

More infos

More infos

Commercial support available.


Read all about licensing here Use the chat on this website to get the purchase link. Prepare the number of licenses you want, your business name (if any) and your country (for VAT).
Source code is available for purchase too.

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